About us

About Us

Every human becomes more noteworthy and respected than his or her counterparts as a result of their unique talent. There is no shortage of talent in our country; nonetheless, it is necessary to recognise and reward it at the appropriate times so that it is continually engaged in societal upliftment and nation-building. A country grows in tandem with its society. National development should not be viewed as the government’s agenda but as an individual purpose. Each of us as Indian citizens should take up accountability to make our country better by improving lives using our knowledge, resources and power.

Many individuals, social groups and communities are working tirelessly to facilitate growth for fellow humans in their immediate surroundings and beyond. However, the efforts and contributions of these diligent citizens are largely ignored by the media and the government. If bestowed with the right recognition, their effort has the potential to inspire a great number of individuals to conduct similar work in their own communities.

This is the reason why it is critical to acknowledge, respect, and promote these true heroes.

Recognizing the need to reward exceptional citizens at the right time, in (2021), the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council established the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Awards and the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Lifetime Achievement Awards.

The foundation’s sole goal is honouring and motivating the unsung heroes around the country who are actively involved and working hard to improve the lives of the underprivileged or affected ones.

Every year, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council bestows (Up Length) Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri awards and (Up Length) Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Lifetime Achievement awards. Our efforts have received a lot of support over the years, not just from regular Indians, but also from the country’s political and administrative leadership at the highest levels.

At the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council, our efforts are aimed at instilling in the country’s youth a desire to help others and to serve our motherland.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council has two goals in mind when it confers the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Awards and Lifetime Achievement Awards; identifying and recognizing talented citizens who have contributed incredibly for national development.

One can imagine how inspiring it would be for a previously unnoticed achiever to receive national level praise from such powerful figures. This will only strengthen their purpose and will encourage them to do more.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is extremely pleased to share that the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Awards are supported by eminent personalities, Union Ministers, Members of Parliament, IAS officers, IPS officers, Governors, Chief Ministers, notable business people, media figures, and many others.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is a non-profit organisation registered with the Delhi Government’s National Capital Territory. Approved by the Government of India’s NITI Aayog and a member of the Quality Council of India (An Autonomous Body of the Government of India), it is also ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Our Mission Our Vision Our Plan Our Journey So Far

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council aims to uncover and acknowledge unrecognised and undervalued talent across the country who have given exceptional contribution to nation-building and social welfare. We aim to incentivize the recipients in order to motivate them to contribute even more. The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s primary mission is to participate in all aspects of our country’s social work. And simultaneously uncover hidden and exceptional talent in the country that has been denied genuine recognition for a long time. We aim to spread awareness about the efforts of unsung heroes among young Indians who are the country's future generations.
The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is a member of the Quality Council of India (a government of India autonomous body) and is registered with the Niti Aayog of the Government of India. The ISO 9001:2015 certification has been granted to the Foundation.

To become India’s leading national platform that values the efforts of unsung heroes by bringing their stories to the limelight. Sowing the seeds of patriotism in the hearts of young Indians by guiding them to find their purpose and contribute to a social cause

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is certain that the India of our dreams can only be realised through the efforts and dedication of brilliant and passionate individuals across our country. In our country, there is no shortage of skills. We just need to provide a platform that recognizes talent and motivates them to pursue bigger things.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s plan is very straightforward. We aim to use the keys of self-assurance, motivation, trust, encouragement, and reward to inspire ordinary people to achieve great feats in the service of our dear homeland. At the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council, we are persuaded that our effort is gradually becoming a movement and that our goal is being achieved.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council has gone a long way since its establishment in the year (2021). Since its inception, the foundation has been funding and helping individuals, communities and groups across India to do their part in the service of our Motherland. Every new edition of the awards strengthens our mission, allowing us to continue working on this project.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award is considered one of India's most prized awards by media and parliamentarians.

Every year, the award ceremony is blessed with the gracious presence of eminent personalities and leading members of the Union Cabinet, Members of Parliament, leading industrialists, social workers, IAS officers, IPS officers, and influential opinion-makers. All these prominent personalities who attend the ceremony are part of the Bharat Gaurav Award Foundation family.

We honour individuals who have dedicated their entire lives to the country, as well as the brave warriors who face all kinds of challenges on the frontiers.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is trying to achieve a national goal, and we are constantly working to promote the country's potential.

Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council

Since its inception in the year (2021) the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council has been doing great work to recognise the many talents engaged in social upliftment and country development. The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s major goal is to give competent people a national platform that recognises them for their accomplishments so that they can re-energize themselves, inspire others, take up challenges, stay committed to their cause, continue their efforts and try out new things in their professions.

In the year (2021), the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council established the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Awards and the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Lifetime Achievement Awards. The council established these prestigious awards to honour and motivate the unsung heroes around the country who are actively involved to improve the lives of the underprivileged or affected ones.

Every year, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council bestows (2021) Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Awards and (Up Length) Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Lifetime Achievement awards. Our efforts have had a lot of support over the years, not just from regular Indians, but also from the country’s political and administrative leadership at the highest echelons.

With around 54% of its population under the age of 35, India is a country with the largest young population in the world. Because our nation’s talents are our nation’s heritage, the youth of today require an appropriate national platform to promote their ideas, policies, and talent.

Every year, the awards are presented on a huge stage (New Delhi) by top members of the Indian government at a lavish ceremony. The objective behind providing these awards is to inspire the recipients to redouble their efforts in the service of the country. And also to become an inspiration to millions of others and motivate them to follow in their footsteps and contribute to the creation of the New India for the coming generations.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council supports a wide range of social welfare initiatives across India. The organisation hosts an annual award ceremony to recognise and honour the country’s unsung heroes, as well as motivating future generations by doing so on a public scale

At the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council we have huge respect and highly regard those citizens who contribute to the development of the country by administering their services.

We honour those individuals who have dedicated their entire lives to the country. We also have immense respect for the brave warriors and soldiers who have taken upon insurmountable tasks and defended us in difficult situations on the country’s borders and ensured we sleep comfortably in the safety of our homes.

We express our profound gratitude and respect for social media platforms that enable us to spread awareness to a large population. These platforms have allowed our young generation to be guided and motivated to do their part for the nation.

We strongly believe that when it comes to honouring individual contributions, the person working in the service of the country is the most important participant for our organisation.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is dedicated to promoting and nurturing India’s incredible talented youth. Today, the majority of the country’s citizens are preoccupied with accumulating wealth and power which subsequently prevents them from contributing to society. They are unaware of the potential they hold. They do not realize the difference and impact they are capable of creating.

At the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council, our efforts are aimed at instilling in the country’s youth a desire to help others and to serve our motherland.

We strongly believe that new energy will be developed in our society if every successful person assists a young person in moving forward in his life. Successful individuals can create a ripple effect,” and spread the influence of kindness and patronising, provoking others to take actions. Therefore, it should be our moral obligation to pass on that enthusiasm to the next generation of citizens who will strive relentlessly to improve our society and country.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s major purpose is to provide talent with the opportunity, identity, and respect they deserve in the country. We are steadily increasing the number of associates and supporters while working on this campaign. We are committed to building an ethical approach of creating value for the entire society when we work together for improving lives.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is launching a unique campaign to build a world-class platform that stands out from the rest of the forums. We aim to create a platform to instil in all of our countrymen and women a sense of social responsibility, activism, and accountability towards the nation and fellow citizens.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is a member of the Quality Council of India (a government of India autonomous body) and is registered with the Niti Aayog of the Government of India. The ISO 9001:2015 certification has been granted to the Foundation.


  1. Inspiring the next generation of leaders.
“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” – Winston Churchill
The widespread recognition of good work done by individuals and organisations inspires young people all over the country to follow in their footsteps. When stories of extraordinary valour are brought to the forefront, citizens cultivate a belief that they, too, can make a difference in their communities and countries simply by working hard, being persistent, and having a strong sense of values. The objective and intention behind bestowing the awards is to replace feelings of powerlessness and laziness in people with a sense of new hope and positive energy to work hard and build a developed nation, Each Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri awardee is a reflection of the upcoming generation of leaders in their own right. The Council highlights the problems and barriers these leaders experienced while carrying out their ground-breaking efforts. We also showcase how these exceptional citizens navigated through difficult times and surmounted numerous challenges. We believe that these stories have the power to encourage more people to take risks and face obstacles to emerge stronger and victorious. Thereby creating a pool of leaders for the next generation.
  1. Ensure that Unsung Talent is Recognized
“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the power they are graced with.” – Brodi Ashton At the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council, it is our duty to ensure that various individuals and groups are being recognized at the right time for their efforts to improve the areas in which they live. Giving due recognition and incentives motivates the recipients to work even harder. The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award recipients are national treasures and legends in their respective disciplines. We firmly believe that true heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the power they are graced with. These recipients are value-driven leaders who have contributed significantly to the well-being and advancement of their communities. As a result, we are extremely proud of them and are delighted to welcome them all to the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award family. We strongly believe that together, we have the capacity to move mountains and build the nation of our dreams.
  1. Ensuring that heroes are being honoured.
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell True heroes are those who have a sense of purpose and think beyond themselves by fighting for a bigger cause. Anyone who is committed to helping others and is effectively working towards nation-building and believes that they deserve recognition and appreciation is eligible to be nominated for Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award. This includes social heroes, leaders, and public servants from diverse disciplines. Since we value all extraordinary efforts, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Committee considers all applications before making the ultimate judgement and deciding the award winners.
  1. Imagining a New India
“Unless the working class’s conditions improve, there is no hope for the society’s welfare. True cultural progress occurs when a construction worker who never completed high school can send their child to college without relying on anyone.” ― Abhijit Naskar The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council envisions a new India that is free of poverty, social evils and one where each citizen is living a better and improved life. We believe this dream is possible only if all citizens recognize this need and do their part for community welfare. To achieve the same, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council constantly motivates individuals to be the change they wish to see in the world. Therefore we are actively advancing the New India vision. Our goal is to pique the interest of the country’s youth in nation-building activities since each one of us is responsible for the growth of our Motherland. Successful individuals can create a ripple effect and spread the influence of kindness and patronising, provoking others to take actions. Therefore, it should be our moral obligation to pass on that enthusiasm to the next generation of citizens who will strive relentlessly to improve our society and country. The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s primary purpose is to provide talent with the unique identity and respect that it deserves in the country. We’ve devised a way to generate value for the entire society by working together.
  1. Providing a unique platform
The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council is launching a unique campaign to build a world-class platform that is unlike any other forum that enables us to light a fire in everyone’s souls to work together for the greater good of society. The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council maintains a special place in its heart for those who work to build a better India, and it is dedicated to honouring and rewarding those who engage in the field of community development with their selfless efforts. The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council honours individuals who have dedicated their lives to the country, such as social workers, and the brave warriors who risk their lives on the country’s frontiers to safeguard us and our country. We have extremely high regard for soldiers who gave up the comforts of money and luxury and instead choose to serve the Motherland. We express our profound gratitude and respect for social platforms that serve as mentors and encourage our dynamic youngsters to pour in efforts to work for and serve the country. When it comes to valuing contributions, the council firmly believes that citizens who selflessly labour for the country’s growth and progress are the most important people to emulate.
  1. Spreading awareness among people and drawing attention to social cause
“What is socialism if not an ordinary sense of responsibility towards society!” ― Abhijit Naskar Today, the majority of Indians are preoccupied with accumulating wealth and power, and unaware of the need to work for social causes. As we are responsible for the motherland, our goal is to instil a passion for social work among the country’s youth and to encourage them to take action. We develop a moral approach to produce value for the entire society when we work together. We firmly believe that undeniably the primary goal of many awards across the world is to provide a platform to appreciate efforts. With this power, we can touch the lives of millions and inspire them. It has been rightly said by The Dalai Lama that “It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act.”. Therefore at the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council, we aim to spark social activism and accountability in everyone’s hearts, because, in this materialistic society, everyone has learned to live for the country’s progress at the expense of their own.


“What is socialism if not an ordinary sense of responsibility towards society!” ― Abhijit Naskar

The concept of nation-building is a multifaceted notion that entails citizens’ active participation in numerous aspects of life. Citizens form the heart of any nation. A robust and successful nation is founded on the devotion and hard work of its citizens, as well as some clever government planning.

The most significant aspects of nation-building at this time appear to be unlocking the potential of its people resource, decreasing the social and economic disparities that exist in society, and providing an enabling environment in which individuals can live freely and achieve their full potential.

With half of its people under the age of 25, India is a young country. Every year, over 13 million young people enter the Indian workforce, but the country’s economic progress has not been able to provide enough chances to adequately employ this rising workforce.

Because they grew up with the internet and social media, millennials have a strong sense of social awareness in their professional lives which should also be incorporated into their social life. Today more than ever, millions of individuals believe it is critical to eliminating poverty and enhancing life outcomes for all citizens.

Today a growing number of millennials, overall, are generous with their time, money, and power. They freely use social media to raise awareness and funds for topics that are important to them. As a foundation, our purpose is to encourage such humans who think for the greater good of society and work towards it.


“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” -Aesop

Anyone who wants to be the change they wish to see in the world is a hero. At the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council we strongly believe that one individual with passion is better than numerous others who are merely interested. Our nation has plenty of talent which if utilized effectively can help us achieve excellence.

Heroes, leaders, and noteworthy individuals are needed for our country because they rescue or improve lives and inspire people.

Nonetheless, we require such outstanding individuals for reasons other than the direct advantages of heroic behavior. Such as to uplift us emotionally, inspire us to become better humans, foster interpersonal ties, and help others.

The Importance Of Awards

Since the history of civilizations, mankind has developed a certain amount of affinity towards giving and receiving acceptance in numerous forms. Bestowing awards for outstanding work and contribution being one of the many. The value of any award is not just limited to its monetary value, title, or scale. But it represents larger ideologies of self-worth and social acceptance

Awards make individuals feel that their work is valued. Giving an award demonstrates approval and gratitude for an individual’s work and contribution. Awarding citizens is essential as it makes citizens aware that good work will be rewarded and valued. It also motivates others to pursue exciting endeavors and earn recognition.

Receiving awards brings an individual’s outstanding accomplishments in front of a large audience and contributes to the growth of their self-worth and confidence.

Awards allow individuals and organisations an advantage over their competitors. It enables them to gain substantial prominence in a given market, industry, or social setting. When an organization or individuals is recognised and awarded for their work, it also attracts new consumers, investors, and contributors towards their cause. Awards are a great medium to gain visibility.

Awards say a lot about an individual or organization’s work, enabling them to establish credibility. Even a nomination for an award can be beneficial because it verifies a group’s leadership in the respective field and demonstrates that it is ahead of the curve. Awards validate the efforts of those who work for social development.

Winning an award, or even being nominated for one, demonstrates an individual or organization’s dedication, hard work, and specialisation in a given discipline or social setting.

If a company or group has won an award, new clients are more inclined to choose it over another. Additionally, current stakeholders and workers of an organization may perceive the award as a positive thing, strengthening their loyalty and readiness to work for the cause. Awards are testimony to the fact that millions of individuals provide noteworthy services to improve lives.

An award can help increase an individual’s reputation and respect with the general public, new consumers, contributors, and investors, and organizations. An award distinguishes individuals from their competitors by highlighting the excellence of its accomplishments and the services they have provided.

Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award

“As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness.”- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award is considered as one of India’s most prized awards by media and politicians and social servants that recognises the efforts of unsung heroes who have provided exemplary services for community welfare and social development. The awards are bestowed upon individuals who decided to step out of their comfort zones and work for the greater good by putting others first.

By providing the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award to deserving individuals we aim to highlight the problems and barriers they experienced while carrying out their ground-breaking efforts. This award validates how these exceptional citizens navigated through difficult times and surmounted numerous challenges.

The objective of the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award is to honor those individuals who have dedicated their entire lives to the country. We also have immense respect for the brave warriors and soldiers who have taken upon insurmountable tasks and defended us in difficult situations on the country’s borders and ensured we sleep comfortably in the safety of our homes.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award aims to promote and nurture India’s incredibly talented youth to work for the greater good of society. Every year, the awards are presented on a huge stage (New Delhi) by top members of the Indian government at a lavish ceremony.

The objective behind providing this award is to inspire the recipients to redouble their efforts in the service of the country. And also to become an inspiration to millions of others and motivate them to follow in their footsteps and contribute to the creation of the New India for the coming generations.

Every year, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council bestows (Up Length) Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Awards.

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award is given to people who have made significant contributions to the service of others and our country. Some of them include Union Ministers, Governors, Members of Parliament, IAS officers, IPS officers, Social Workers, Sportspersons, Businesspersons, and Film personalities, among others, who have received this award for their outstanding contributions to nation-building and social welfare.

Being a Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award winner adds tremendous encouragement to individual members’ efforts to make a difference in their communities and to construct the New India of our dreams.

Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Lifetime Achievement Award

Various organisations give lifetime achievement awards to honour accomplishments made by individuals throughout their career, rather than or in addition to single contributions

The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s Lifetime Achievement award honours citizens who have had a significant impact on a social cause by working behind the scenes with a cheerful attitude, a desire to help in any capacity, and a dedication to excellence.

Every year, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council bestows ten Lifetime Achievement Awards on persons whose work and accomplishments are deemed deserving. The winners are chosen by the foundation’s esteemed selection committee from among the nominations received.

Aside from the work that the individuals have done, the committee considers the significance of the work, setting an example and motivating others, particularly the younger generation to follow in their footsteps, and analyses the influence it can have on communities.

The Selection Committee of the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council remains focused on evaluating how conferring the award will help the organization achieve its unwavering goal of building a new nation of our dreams so that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things through their effort and perseverance.

The purpose of the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s Lifetime Achievement is to recognize and honour individuals who have “made a difference” in the lives of others.

Citizens Who Have Been Awarded The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award

The presence of luminaries and the high level of media interest in the occasion has attested to the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council selection Committee’s immaculate work.

IPS officials, IAS officers, Members of Parliament, famous social activists, major industrialists, artists, and others were among those honoured with the Bharat Gaurav Awards.

Every year, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council family grows in size and ability to take on new challenges by finding out numerous hidden talents. Awards help in boosting individual efforts and strengthen their mission of creating the new India of our dreams.

Award Name Name
Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri AwardS.K.Bose
Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri AwardS.K.Bose
Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri AwardS.K.Bose
Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri AwardS.K.Bose

Selection Criteria

The renowned selection committee established by the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council follows a highly strict process in selecting honorees, ensuring that only individuals who have made significant contributions are given the unique honor of becoming a Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award winner.

While the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council Committee does not apply any strict criterion or procedure for selection, it does consider an individual’s lifetime achievements while making a decision. The achievements of the individual to be chosen should include some form of public service. The medal is presented for special services,’ not only for years of service.

Instead of “excellence in a particular discipline,” the requirements should be “excellence plus.” The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council’s research division extensively verifies the character and antecedents of persons chosen for the honors before making any decisions,

Selection Committee

Every year, the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council forms the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Committee. The Committee’s members are all well-known figures with excellent reputations and integrity who have also received the Bharat Gaurav Award previously.

The honorees are chosen by the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Committee based on the application as well as its external settings, research, and recommendations.

The award committee is self-contained and makes no compromises when it comes to picking the absolute best and most deserving individuals. The prize committee chooses talent based on a fair evaluation of all applicants. The committee has a keen eye for talent and a wealth of expertise in this area

The distinguished Selection Committee established by the Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award Council selects the honorees each year by carefully examining their efforts.

The work of the individual nominated for the award should reflect a spirit of service and respect, as this honor motivates people to confront and overcome the country’s issues. The Bharat Gaurav Ratna Shri Award, for example, encourages young people to have a sense of responsibility and take accountability for their actions.

The awards are bestowed upon those individuals who have used their knowledge, resources, time, effort, and power, not just for their personal growth but for improving the lives of millions by creating a substantial impact.

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